The 17 Best Anti-Aging Products for People in Their 30s

Well, it finally happened—I turned 30 years old last month. Even though those around me have insisted that this decade is about a billion times better than the last one, there was still this monumental fear I grasped onto, and a big part of it had to do with the notion that I was starting to lose my youth. Blame it on the world’s obsession with beauty or even my career working in it, but there was a societal echo I couldn’t ignore.

Ironically, when people enter their 30s, they’re often tackling the same skin issues they dealt with in the past, including hormonal acne and oiliness. They might even be presented with new ones, like dullness, wrinkles, and a loss of elasticity. In my case, I don’t have to worry about breakouts, but I do worry that I haven’t been doing enough in terms of prevention. 

Even though I’m quite happy about where I’m at in life and know aging is unavoidable, I still want to kick my skincare routine up a notch to prevent early signs of aging. That’s why I created a new arsenal of skin, hair, and body products for top-tier care. Keep scrolling to see the skincare products I’m incorporating into my routine. 

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