Second Life Podcast: Alice Bell

As her interest in traditional editorial work began to wane, Bell unexpectedly found herself drawn into the intricacies of astrology. In fact, growing expertise in the subject matter made her the unofficial office astrologer at Vogue, where fellow employees sought her insights into their birth charts and cosmic destinies. It was here that Bell’s stars began to align. 

Recognizing her gift for translating the language of the stars into relatable and meaningful insights, Bell decided to share her astrological knowledge with a wider audience by offering free readings on her social media platforms, which quickly gained popularity. Today, Bell has established herself as a trusted astrologer, podcast host, and workshop facilitator. The best part? Her journey has come full circle, as she proudly serves as the resident astrologer at British Vogue, bridging her fashion roots with her true passion. In June, Bell released her first astrology book Trust Your Timing, which reveals her extensive knowledge of astrology while also reflecting her personal growth and evolution throughout her transformative journey.

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