Singer Keke Wyatt has revealed that her almost two-year-old son is fighting two strains of COVID-19.

Taking to Instagram, she shared a photo of herself by her toddler’s hospital bedside.

Expressing her disbelief, she captioned, “Hospital life… How is it that my baby has two strands of Covid and I have nothing???”

She added, “If the devil don’t leave my baby alone… We don’t even go anywhere fr… Smh!!!”

During an Instagram Live session last week,  Wyatt spoke about the difficulties of caring for her special needs child.

“He has sleep apnea so when he sleep, he stops breathing so you got to watch that. Then on top of that, he doesn’t like to stay sleep for long and he’s starting to roll over and so you got to make sure he doesn’t,” she said.

Keke learned that her eleventh child was diagnosed with the genetic disorder Trisomy 13 during her pregnancy. Despite giving the option to terminate, she and her husband Zackariah David Darring decided against it. In 2022, they welcomed their son Ke’Zyah Jean Darring with open arms.

“We don’t choose for our children to be special needs or handicapped. I’m not going to kill my baby just because he’s different, but it’s hard work and it’s my reality,” she said during the Live.

Trisomy 13, also known as Patau syndrome, often brings challenges such as feeding difficulties, breathing problems, and developmental delays.

Reflecting on her son’s development, Wyatt expressed concerns about the possibility of him being nonverbal.

“I’m probably getting ready to face the reality that he may be nonverbal because he’ll be two in May and he could say Mom but that’s about it.”

Despite the challenges, Keke remains steadfast in her faith. “I have faith in God that whatever he wants to do, but, you know, as a mother of many, he would’ve been talking by now if he was going to be verbal.”


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