I’m Buying Everything Cozy for Winter—30 Picks I Love

I’m the first to admit that winter is not my favorite season. The holidays are great and all, but I’m much more excited to sit in the sun with a cocktail and a sun dress than I am to bundle up and go ice skating. However, this winter, I’m trying to change my tune and learn to love the colder months, and shopping for cozy winter items has turned out to really do the trick. I’m all about being as cozy as possible. Plus, I’m heading to Colorado for the rest of December, and if there has ever been a time to stock up on wintry items, it’s now. I found 30 cozy pieces that can turn even the biggest summer lover into a winter person. From Skims sweats to basically everything Ugg has on the market right now, you’re going to want to get your hands on these picks fast.

Keep scrolling to take a look at the cozy items I’m currently obsessed with.

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